
 Moment of glory

  The songs of this album are performed by Scorpions and Berliner Philharmoniker. 'Hurricane 2000' is the first track and very famous in Korea, because this song is frequently used by commercial broadcast. 'Hurricane 2000' is doubtlessly powerful.
  'Moment of glory' is also used in Korea by commercial. So I'm very proud of Scorpions when I watch that. I think, the title of 'Moment of glory' is very suitable for this song.
  In 'Send me an angel' we hear Klaus and Zucchero. Their voices sound harmoniously enough, Klaus sings with high tone, Zucchero sings with low one.
  'Wind of change' is soft and comfortable to me. This song is similar to the original track. I'm in love with Klaus' whistle. It seems to me as though I heard a wind in a field.
  'Crossfire' and 'Deadly sting suite' are my favorite songs in the album. They are the best of all the arranged songs! As though I heard classical music, but very excited and intensive. But there's some inconvenience, because Klaus doesn't sing in these songs. Though I've got 'Moment of glory' VCD and Klaus sings there.
  'Here in my heart' and 'Big city nights' are performed by a duet. That's very great!
  'Still loving you' is melodious song as I expected. Orchestra, vocal, guitar, bass, drum beats... this song has got all the components!
  This album is very comfortable to me and I really can relax when listening to it.

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